We are all content generators in today's information society (we communicate by e-mail, write blogs, participate in online forums and social networks, etc.). In addition, for many professionals the ability to write correctly is vital. But we are human beings, and sometimes we might make typing mistakes or hesitate over the spelling of words or the format of expressions. That's why Stilus is a great ally to anyone interested in verifying the spelling and style of their texts before sharing them, improving their writing skills or simply resolving any doubts about language.

    Authors and writers
  • Authors and writers

    Authors are the composers of their respective works, and therefore must retain control over the creative process associated. Take advantage of the services provided by Stilus and remove any typos from your draft yourself, before it is self-published or sent to a publishing house. Nevertheless, at Stilus we always recommend a final human proofreading of the text, especially if it is intended for publication.

  • Proofreaders

    Publishing houses impose tight deadlines on proofreaders, so sometimes proofreading a text thoroughly might be an impracticable task. If this is familiar to you, Stilus can help you save time on tedious proofreading tasks, so that you can focus on matters in which human reflection is a real necessity. Boost your productivity and increase your profits with our technology while preserving the quality of your work.

  • Proofreaders
  • Translators

    Stilus is a useful tool before, during, and after the translation process. Revise the source text in Spanish with Stilus and work on an error-free foundation (automatic translation systems offer better results if the text has been previously checked by Stilus). During the translation process, use Stilus to clear up your doubts when Spanish is the target language, particularly if it is not your native language. Finally, proofread your translated work. Among other errors, Stilus can detect semantic loans, imprecise adaptations of foreign words, foreign words to be avoided and typographic differences between the source and target language. In conclusion, with Stilus you will enhance your translations with added value: orthotypographic and stylistic accuracy.

  • Publishing houses and mass media

    Proofreading is not so effective when it is performed solely by authors themselves. That's why it is interesting that even themass media and publishing houses count on high-quality tools for proofreading texts. Our technology assures stylistic standardization according to the personal style manual of anymedia company or publishing house. Benefit from Stilus and incorporate it in any hardware/software environment (for instance, a proprietary or third-party content manager).

  • Publishing houses and mass media
    Marketing and community managers
  • Marketing and community managers

    If you work as a marketing or community manager, your texts constitute the essence of your profession. Revise your contents with Stilus before publishing them on a conventional or social media platform, and then with a single click obtain a check report of your blog or website. Protect your online reputation through conventional writing standards and gain the interest and confidence of your audience.

  • Secretaries and executive assistants

    The secretarial profession requires writing skills of a very high standard. In their occupational interactions, internal and external alike, these professionals speak on behalf of CEOs or entire organizations. For this reason, their messages should then be conveyed in the most professional manner. The negative impact of careless communication might have severe consequences for your company. Use Stilus to revise any kind of document: it will ensure all duties are carried out with the required efficiency.

  • Secretaries and executive assistants
  • Teachers

    Stilus is a helpful tool for teachers of Spanish as a native or foreign language: it displays messages containing suggestions with references that keep teachers up-to-date with any changes to linguistic standards. Moreover, as these messages are displayed interactively, Stilus helps increase student motivation and avoid the fossilization of errors. The use of Stilus in the classroom helps improve self-correction, reduce the teacher’s revision time, handle learning differences (by enabling students to set their own learning pace), and promotes reflection on linguistic issues (the students are responsible for accepting or declining the suggested corrections). In conclusion, with the help of Stilus it will be easier to sensitize students to textual accuracy.

  • Students

    You can easily improve your academic performance with Stilus. Revise your writing, class-work or Master theses yourself; become aware of your errors, correct them interactively, and hand in your texts without mistakes. Besides improving your spelling or grammar in a practical manner, your texts will be A+!

    And if you have doubts on the morphological description of a word, syntactic analysis of a sentence, or you want to know how to conjugate a verb, use the auxiliary tools of Stilus. Your questions will be answered in just one click.

  • Students

You can now use the best spelling and grammar checker for Spanish for free.