Now writing correctly is easier. Stilus is the most efficient spelling, grammar and style checker for the Spanish language. Instantly validate your writing with professional precision.

Use Stilus FOR FREE

Stilus includes contextual and semantic technology for precise revision of the orthography, grammar and style of your texts.

Service online or as an integration into Word® and WordPress®; also available as an API for developers.

Updated suggestions with didactic and bibliographic explanations.


Stilus is the perfect proofreader for revising and editing your texts with complete control.


Interactive proofreading, add-ins for Microsoft Word® and WordPress® and a lot more!

Using will enable you to make corrections online, request a report of all that was revised, and use other linguistic tools via the web, all in just one click. More still, you will be able to download Stilus add-ins for Word or WordPress or activate the service as an API.


Correct spelling and find typographic, grammatical and stylistic errors in your text with the help of the interactive proofreading assistant.


Insert the text, document or the URL of the webpage you wish to revise and obtain a detailed review of the errors in accordance with the most current linguistic regulations.


The Stilus for Word and Stilus for Word 365 add-ins for Microsoft Word® allow you to correct your .doc or .docx documents in an interactive, comprehensive and personalized way without having to leave your favorite text editor.


If you need to speed up the revision of your documents, do an initial orthographic clean-up with Stilus Macro for Word. Executed with over 200 000 patterns comprised within a single click, Stilus Macro can be trusted with replacing and correcting hundreds of pages in minutes using Track Changes.


Before publishing your content, test its linguistic quality with a single click using the WordPress visual editor. Stilus will present you with a complete report.


Are you a developer? Do you want to include more advanced technology for Spanish proofreading in your editing environment? Stilus API will allow you to integrate this service in a personalized form within your own or third-party software.


At you will also find other useful tools: Morphosyntactic analyzer, Verb conjugator, Quoter...

You can now use the best spelling and grammar checker for Spanish for free.


The opinions of our clients are our biggest guarantee.

Álex Grijelmo

"Working with the tools and especially with the engineers and linguists was a complimentary education for me when we collaborated to orchestrate the last edition of the ‘Libro de Estilo’ by El País. Furthermore, it served to make me think that in the field of languages, computing technologies can be destructive, but also these technologies can be corrective and at times they can even go as far to better language. Thank you for this enlightenment."

Antonio Martín

"I am an editor. Consequently, I know that when editing I can make typographical errors, such as using an imprecise word or confusing myself with the meaning of a word. It is vital to amend any mistakes before publishing your texts. The proofreader Stilus simplifies the task I have of proofreading and thus, optimizes my time at work."

ANTONIO MARTÍN - Cálamo & Cran

"In order to consult a doubt, first we must begin to doubt, but that doesn’t always occur when we write. In this respect, it is fundamental that our own system alerts us that there is a possibility that there may be something incorrect or something worth doubting. It is not so much a question of an automatic corrector making decisions independently; but of the latter, always having all the information at hand, whether there are doubts or not, for the editor to decide for themself."

Juanjo Arevalillo

"From my lengthy experience in the sector of translation - as a translator, a director of a translation company and professor - I consider Stilus an excellent help for professionals, to better the quality control of translation by means of useful and accurate terminological, orthographic, typographical and alternate checks. The method of operation for this program and the reliability of the sources that are used for these tasks complement both translation and revision tasks, and can even make you see tragic and funny errors on occasion that none of us can escape. For this reason, as I understand it, Stilus is a tool that I always recommend in a prominent place on a translator’s desktop."

JUANJO AREVALILLO - Hermes Traducciones
Xosé Castro

"Put plainly and simply, for me Stilus is the closest thing to a human editor in a digital form that there is. When a typographic and stylistic checker is capable of detecting incoherencies that I myself have let slip after a detailed reading, I know that I am in front of a great software."

XOSÉ CASTRO - Xosé Castro
Sergio Mejías

"In a business with a technological foundation as strong as Bubok, the possibilities that Stilus lays before us are incredible; from a support tool for proofreaders, to an automatization with their API, to carry out the revision of the texts that our authors upload daily. Without a doubt, an essential tool from the moment we started to use it."

WE ARE MORE THAN 1,000,000

More than 1,000,000 users have tried Stilus and its tools! Almost 200,000 have already registered.


Stilus is the industry's most esteemed automatic proofreader for the Spanish language.

Thousands of writers, professional editors, translators, publishers, prints, and other personal users and companies interested in writing correctly already trust in Stilus technology. Regardless of the level of correction with which you require, Stilus adapts to your needs.

You can now use the best spelling and grammar checker for Spanish for free.