Stilus allows you to check the spelling and style of your texts in Spanish, according to your linguistic preferences and using any computer connected to the Internet.

  • Stilus improves the quality of your texts

    It is an automatic proofreader that checks the spelling, grammar, typography and style of your texts, to reach a high linguistic accuracy.

  • Context-sensitive proofreading

    Stilus benefits from Natural Language Processing technologies, -which consider the lingustic context to detect real errors. For this reason, its results are much more accurate with respect to other spellcheckers based on superficial analysis techniques.

  • Four levels of proofreading

    Stilus not only verifies the spelling and grammar of your texts, but also gives you information about many orthotypographic and stylistic aspects. In addition, if you request a check report, each type of error will be differentiated by color: spelling – red, grammar - green, typography - yellow and style - blue.


  • Thorough and up-to-date revisions

    Stilus stands out for its great lexical coverage, the continuous updating and its strong linguistic rigor. Unlike other automatic proofreaders for Spanish, Stilus checks texts in compliance with the latest changes of the newest manuals published by the Royal Spanish Academy and the Association of Spanish Language Academies. Moreover, it takes into account the recommendations provided by other linguistic authorities.

    At the same time, it is possible to choose whether to detect lexical expressions typical of Latin American Spanish:

  • Stilus suggests, you decide

    Unlike other proofreading applications, Stilus does not rewrite your text automatically. The user always has control over the proofreading process of their text.

Spell checking

Stilus recognizes much more vocabulary than any other Spanish spellchecker. It features an extensive lexical database of around 7 million words (of which more than 190 000 of them are proper nouns). Its dictionaries are continuously updated with neologisms (new lexical possibilities); names of people, organizations, countries, etc., which emerge day by day in our contemporary social landscape.

  • Its high lexical coverage reduces false alerts on spelling and thus, helps to reduce doubts about the correct spelling of proper nouns.
  • As Stilus is context-sensitive, the use of homophone pairs and diacritics can be verified.
  • Likewise, Stilus can detect wrong word formations, or foreign words imprecisely adapted into Spanish.

Orthotypography checking

Stilus handles many orthotypographic matters too, for instance:

  • It verifies the opening and closing of pairs of symbols (quotation marks, parentheses, brackets…).
  • It checks spacing: double spaces, required spaces, or the lack thereof, between typographic signs, words, and so on.
  • It detects any punctuation marks in an incorrect sequence.
  • It checks the punctuation of abbreviated words and phrases.
  • It verifies the use of upper and lowercase letters.
  • It advises the use of italics for foreign words.

Grammar checking

  • Thanks to its disambiguation capacity, Stilus is able to detect a high number of agreement errors at various phrasal levels.
  • Other confusing syntactic aspects are also considered, such as disagreement between verbal tenses or errors related to prepositional misuse.

Style checking

Stilus is an automatic proofreading tool. Therefore, unlike human proofreaders, it cannot verify textual consistency and cohesion thoroughly. However, it does provide hundreds of recommendations from recognized style manuals and language consultation books.

  • It gives advice on preferred spelling variants.
  • It identifies lexical misuse.
  • It offers alternatives to foreign words and expressions.
  • Stilus can identify incorrect prepositional or adverbial usage or over-extended sentences that may make a text unclear or difficult to read. It also detects redundant expressions.
  • Finally, it recognizes the use of language (or dialectal) variants, technical terms, and different linguistic registers (colloquial words, archaisms, and so on).

You can now use the best spelling and grammar checker for Spanish for free.